Friday, July 14, 2017

School, Writing, and My Book

On top of all the work required to not only keep up the homestead, but to also try and get ahead of all the neglect, I am also taking another writing class. This class is not in one of the local colleges, it is an online class. To be honest I am getting a bit behind. The good thing with this class is that I have two years to complete it. As far as writing assignments go I am using parts of my book to complete the requirements and in the process getting feedback on how to improve my writing and my book. Crazy huh? Yeah, I think so too. But it is a means to an end.

Working on my book is something I am constantly thinking about and jotting notes for when I have the time to sit and actually write. Today is a sit and write day! I am at a sit and wait point on the house at the moment having reached a stopping point that requires some major work under the house before I can proceed. I am kind of excited about it to be honest. At the same time, I am a bit bummed as I have to wait until I pay a few things off so that I can get another large lumber delivery. So, until then I am working on another project that you will all learn about in a few weeks.

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