Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hints of things to come

There is a lot going on around my little farm and I feel at times that I am being pulled in many directions at once. so below is a little hint at one of the major projects that have been in play here for the last few weeks. Let me know what you think is going on.

The currently running project is useable at the moment, but far from being finished.  and this area of the property looks vastly so stay tuned to my YouTube channel for what is going on. For bigger hints check out my Instagram! Enjoy

Goodbye Maggie


Friday, July 14, 2017

School, Writing, and My Book

On top of all the work required to not only keep up the homestead, but to also try and get ahead of all the neglect, I am also taking another writing class. This class is not in one of the local colleges, it is an online class. To be honest I am getting a bit behind. The good thing with this class is that I have two years to complete it. As far as writing assignments go I am using parts of my book to complete the requirements and in the process getting feedback on how to improve my writing and my book. Crazy huh? Yeah, I think so too. But it is a means to an end.

Working on my book is something I am constantly thinking about and jotting notes for when I have the time to sit and actually write. Today is a sit and write day! I am at a sit and wait point on the house at the moment having reached a stopping point that requires some major work under the house before I can proceed. I am kind of excited about it to be honest. At the same time, I am a bit bummed as I have to wait until I pay a few things off so that I can get another large lumber delivery. So, until then I am working on another project that you will all learn about in a few weeks.

Monday, July 10, 2017

The Plan

via IFTTT Well here is a new video! I know I have been lacking in uploading weekly videos but to be honest, this video gives you only a little glimpse as to what is really going on. Over the next nine weeks you will find out just how crazy things have been here on my homestead. Click my YouTube link to come along for the ride and to see just how much insanity it has taken to get here.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Social Media Mayhem!

Contrary to popular belief I have not dropped off the face of the earth. I have just been super busy with a lot of things. I know it seems as though I pulled the plug on most of my social media, mainly my podcast and websites. To be honest I did pull the plug on them, Why? There is a simple answer and a more complicated one. The simple answer is that I wanted to save money and pay off all my credit card debt, and thus for put myself into a much better financial position mainly due to all the projects that are currently underway on the homestead. The more complicated answer is that I am not as popular on YouTube, My Podcast, or the Website as I would like to be and YouTube is not even pulling in enough money per year to pay for one month of either the website, (at a cost of $50 a month, plus the domain name renewals, + My time and constant attention) nor would it cover one month of the Podcast ($1500 for all the equipment, $40 per month for podcast space, + a lot of my time and attention) This does not mean that they are all gone for good, if you even knew they existed, I do have plans to revive them along with my cooking show on YouTube. For now, I am pursuing other things which are truthfully more important, you can see my current endeavors in new YouTube videos starting Sunday morning at 4AM CST July 9, 2017. As for paying off all of my credit I did it and am now using those monthly payments, along with the savings from the podcast, websites, and other things that I gave up, to pay cash for the things I am doing now so no extra bills. I am now going to be posting here on my Blogger to make up for the loss of my websites. The best place to find it all in on spot is my Facebook page @offgridjenn